Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hw 25

The United States of America is seen as one of the best countries in the world. Some of the reasons are the freedom we obtain and the opportunities that are promised to us, but does our country really live up to these standards? The 250 million people do have health care but is the health care really benefiting their health is what Michael Moore was trying to explain. Health care is supposed to be aiding people not going against their promises. Going against these agreements eventually leaving people in debt and in worst cases not being able to aid people enough to save their lives. It seemed as if insurance companies  and doctors in the united states had goals to deny citizens health care just to maximize companies profits. This was not the scenario in foreign countries such as France, canada and England. In these countries citizens were living up to 3 years longer then Americans according to statistics. The United States of America seemed to criticize people and organizations who were for free health care for everyone. We will not be superior if we as remain the only country in the western hemisphere without free health insurance.

Evidence #1 “The goal of health care companies was to deny health care. Bonuses given for denying health acre.”
This piece of evidence was significant to supporting Michael's claim.  The claim that  America has poor health care because of the negative affects of health care since the requirements for the care. Money is a key component to surviving. and the more the better. The insurance companies began to bribe their employes with bonuses if they deny people with health care. By doing so less people were able to obtain health care and ultimately decreasing Americans survival rates and life spans.
Evidence #2: “The people who seemed to have the worst care still managed to outlive the wealthy American’s life span”
In the country of England people tended to live way longer then Americans did. The most important reason was because of the health care that was provided for them. There was no pay which was very significant because not everyone could afford health care. Compared to England, united states health care was very poorly constructed because many people were put into debt because of the expenses of their health care. Since there was a good percentage of people who could not afford this health care many people avoided getting health care. This being one of the main reasons even people with the worst health care in England tended to outlive people with the best health care in America.
Michael Moors “sicko” stirred alot of controversy . A interview on CNN somewhat exposed Moore. Moore stated that the U.S spends 7,00$ on health care per person per year when really they only spend $6.714. According to a new york times article this information was accurate and correct. The article stated “The graph shows the UNites States spends $ 6,714 per person” (http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/14/why-does-us-health-care-cost-so-much-part-i/)
In The United States of America we are promised so many things but do we really receive these things? Health Care is one of the most significant things to a persons life and well being. While watching the movie i learned that Doctors take a oath to put their well being after the patients well being. After hearing that it surprised me that people were rewarded for denying people health care. Why would people take a Oath if they wouldn't keep it? Then I began to think about what our country really is, our country is a capitalist country which in my opinion is controlled by greed. As long as people are making a profit they don't care much about other people’s well being.
Hearing that America is 37th on the health care list out of 191 countries surprised and confused me. Why was our country so low on this list. After hearing this it made sense on why illness and death was so common in our country now. In the economy we are living in majority of people cant afford health care. Also while watching this movie i thought about who were the people who actually knew that the U.S was so low on this list? How many people knew that other countries actually had free health care? For the people who didn't know, would they still praise America as much if they did know?

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