Friday, October 22, 2010

Epilogue Response Fast Food Nation

Fast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser
Epilogue: The fast food companies that fast food nation were targeting did not fully agree with what the book was addressing. Fast food companies shouldn't be able to advertise food that are negatively affecting children and fast food wasn't the only food that was doing it. Meat was contaminated and the government wasn't doing enough to fix it. Even though they were trying to clear up their image the meat packing industry and fast food industries were still having more of a negative impact on the country than a positive.
“As for the food now served at school, it should be safer to eat than what is sold at fast food restaurants, not less safe.” (263)
“But the absence of unions can permit corporations to behave like continuing criminal enterprises.” (265)
It was interesting to know thats school cafeteria food can be less healthy than fast food. It is interesting because school makes cafeteria food look and seem very healthy. This is just one of the ways the food industry tricks us to eat unhealthy food.
I found it interesting that even after fast food nation and “the jungle” the meat packing industry did not change much and still have horrible conditions.

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