Saturday, April 2, 2011

HW# 41: Research(NYC Abortion)

Statistical evidence of the amount of woman who have abortions in NYC categorized but age:
Private and safe abortion clinic:
Parental involvement teenage abortions:
State facts(NY) of abortion and how the people have been affected by abortion:
Most woman see pregnancy as a happy and a life changing experience but there are some woman who see pregnancy as a burden. For the woman who see pregnancy as a burden usually turn to the option of abortion. Abortion is an alternative to having a baby. Some people see abortion as murder because you are killing a child even though it has never witnessed the world, this is why abortion is very significant in our society.
The information I researched could be huge help to a project pertaining to the birth unit we are in. I am personally against abortions in most cases. Since I am, the research about the statistics of woman who get abortion and why they do can help me better understand why abortions are so ordinary. Also how other people feel about abortions, especially teenage parents who usually have a substantial say in their child's pregnancy. Learning about the pros and cons of abortions and the different ways to have abortions. Ultimately by doing this research I can be more knowledgeable then the average person when it comes to abortion.

1 comment:

  1. Javon,

    Good project idea and some good initial sources. It sounds like you want to investigate abortion as a social practice - factors influencing decision-making, access, techniques - rather than just judge it as good or bad.

    You seem to have missed the correct format for annotated bibliographies.
