Monday, March 14, 2011

#38 Insights

How the book is organized: 
“Birth” by Tina Cassidy is organized through small chapters. These chapters contain historical evidence and stories that significantly connect to the chapter’s main idea.
The major question the book is trying to answer is; Why are midwives neglected from the modern birthing process while the doctors are praised, even though midwives are statistically safer?
I believe that society see’s pregnancy as an illness and doctors are the only people who can cure this “illness”. Midwives were more popular in the 1800s and society feels they have to evolve from this process.
Interesting aspects
1)Midwives are more experienced then obstetrician
2)More mother’s die from obstetrician then midwives
3)At first woman felt they where “Guinea pigs” when obstetrician delivered babies
4)Hospitals and obstetrician don’t give much freedom to the mother’s of the babies they deliver compared to midwives
5)Home births were the most sufficient births 
Throughout the first 100 pages of the book Cassidy uses statistics and historical events to support her claims. This supporting evidence is truly beneficial because it gives one insight on the history of the topic. It explains the pro’s and con’s on the ideas and gives one enough intuition to understand her theories. The highest quality part of the statistical and historical events is that she plants them in stories. By planting them in stories it makes the book interesting and pleasure to read.

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