Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Death and Illness

Death and illness are two things that we cant run away from because they are always going to be there. They are apart of life that everyone has to deal with. Throughout my life i have had the opportunity to see the birth of a loved one but unfortunate to lose a loved one. Illness has played a big role in my life at a early age because of the illness of my mother. The illness of my mother has made me pay more attention to illness and be even more afraid of death.
Throughout my life i have been taught to be grateful and take advantage of the fact that I am not ill and try my best to avoid it. We as healthy people tend to pity the ill because we believe that they are closer to death then we are. Also that they need more assistance because they have disadvantages. Even though we all come and go we mourn and weep when people pass away because no one wants to lose someone they are close to. A question i have is ; Why do we mourn and grieve death so much if majority of us believe they(people dying) are going to a better place?(Heaven)
Death and illness in my opinion is all a business. I believe it is a business because people die every day and majority of people want to have funerals for their loved ones. Majority of funerals are expensive, some people are not even able to afford a funeral. Illness is also a business. There are less serious illnesses and more fatal illnesses. The medication for these illness cost money and the treatments cost money. The worst the illness the more expenses one has. One of the things i am curious about is; Why spend all of your money on treatment and medication when you are promised to die?

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