Thursday, September 30, 2010

hw#6 Food Diary

Blueberry muffin=103.761
orange juice=134.46
-This meal/snack is consistent. I eat it every morning coming to school. It do because it gives me energy to last till lunch time before getting to tired. The breakfast is cheap and convent which are two of my important values.
Lunch: Pepperoni and sausage pizza: 600.31
20 fl oz sprite: 431.32
-This meal was very fulfilling as you can see from the amount of calories where in the meal. After eating i felt drained and wanted to sleep, a common feeling when i eat a fulfilling meal.

Dinner: Pork chops, macaroni, broccoli, orange soda= 2476.72
After this meal i was also fulfilled as you can see from the amount of calories.

Orange juice:134.46
-Took time to make, also a fulfilling meal. Not thinking alot about the nutrition more about the taste.

Dinner: Fried Chicken: 649.76
French fries:570.72
Total: 1220.48
-While eating this meal i was thinking most about the taste and the connivence of the meal. Was a cheap and tasteful meal, did not think much of nutrition.

Throughout these 48 hours i did not think much about what was healthy for me to eat. I thought more about what was convenient for me and what enjoyed. While eating i felt good about these foods but in the long run i dont know if i would agree with these eating ways.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

HW #5

Dominant discourse is when people who hold higher power then the majority discuss and argue particular topics. This does not particular mean that the majority does not have valid or knowledgeable ideas. Majority of the Society feels the people we put into power should have the most say in these particular topics. The dominant Discourse pertaining to food includes of elite groups such as doctors, government, and major food companies.
Who should take the blame for our unhealthiness in our country and society? Some people would say it’s the food companies, government, media, but in my opinion before we blame anyone else we have to blame ourselves. “Before we want health, we want taste, we want convenience and we want low cost,” Mr. Balzer said.” The first person we turn to blame are the major food companies such as Mcdonalds and Burger King. We are not forced to eat anything we don't want to, we have the choice to eat what we want. Most people take the easy way and eat whats cheap and convenient. Majority don't take the time to actually notice what they are eating and where it came from. Taking the easy and quick way is usually making your life harder in the long run.
Everyone wants to live a healthy and long life but that is not always the case because of sicknesses and illness. Doctors are the experts in these fields and are there to inform us on our health. What happens if the doctors are not correct and are telling their patients wrong information or not enough information? So this doesn't happen doctors should be fully educated and informed on major components of illness and sicknesses. “Food is at the center of health and illness, he argues, and so doctors must make all aspects of it — growing, buying, cooking, eating — a mainstay of their medical educations, their personal lives and their practices.”( The Dominant Discourse for food are majority of the time doctors. It is important that the doctor is doing what they are teaching and informing or else they will be hypocritical. If the dominant discourse is leaning towards the wrong direction where will that leave the people that depend on them so deeply.

Monday, September 27, 2010

hw #4

My family and I have a very similar eating style and system. We do because of the simple fact that we were raised this way. The foods that are mostly eaten are meats such as; beef and chicken. Majority of the time these food are fried. They are because of the cultural background of my family. As a Caribbean family fried foods are as normal as salad to a vegetarian. A question that my family and i have to ask ourselves are “what are the longterm affects of these foods?” Just because healthy foods are not always compacted into my menu and diet does not mean food is not important to my family and i. 
While growing up i was not the best cook so i was raised by mothers cooking. I asked my mother; “What are your values about food?” she said “Food was very important and what ever was put in front of you, you had to eat.” Her answer helped me realize how she was raised according to food. Food was a part of their economic struggle, that is why eating what you had was so important. The food was limited so they were not positive they will have more the next day so take advantage of what you have. This relates to how my Mother raised me around food, the phrase she would say religiously would be; “you better not waste your food.” This was better understood when i found out that food was a economic struggle for her when she was younger and maybe still is today.
While looking in my fridge i noticed the cartons of juice, bottles of soda, sweets, but there is a whole draw just for fresh vegetables. My typical meal always contains of some vegetables because my family tries to make an effort to keep us healthy by the food were eating. One thing i noticed was that the older generations in my family don't hesitate to feed the younger generations basically anything they want. When it comes to them selves they watch what they are eating more carefully. One of the reasons why they do this is because they feel because they are older they are less healthy and they cant deserve to eat unhealthy as if they were young. The thing they don't understand is that the cycle will keep repeating and that we are killing ourselves slowly when we are young. If we start off eating healthy and watching what we eat we wouldn't have to be so concerned with it when we reach a certain age.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HW# 3

In our society food is a huge source of commerce and continues to increase. Even though Fast Food is very popular in our country it does not mean that is the most healthy source of food. So why do people eat fast food? I asked the customer. He said, “Its cheap and its good.” This is one of the typical answers one will most likely get if you ask a customer at McDonalds why does he/she eat here. While in McDonalds i was able to notice the easy access and quick serve time for your food. The quick serve time and easy access is very convenient to a costumer. When i wondered why it was so important that Mcdonalds had easy access and quick serve time i thought about one thing ; money. I thought about money because food is a business and is a very good one. If food is cheap and taste well people will keep coming back for more and thats what Mcdonalds does, they remind you of it every time you see the sign “over a billion costumers served”
Do you ever wonder why healthy food doesn't get the exposure that Fast food does? I use to wonder that every day until i began to analyze how fast food restaurants like Mcdonalds run there business. One of their biggest sources of income are children. They attract children in with things such as “Happy meals” which includes a toy, most of the time the children just ask their parents for the meal for the toy. This isn't fair to the market because there not trying to sell toys but trying to sell the healthy food the produce. The healthy food at the food market does not attract children because children most of the time are not attracted to vegetables and healthy food, they will prefer candy and sweets, something they can get at Mcdonalds. While observing the market today i noticed that the food had a higher price even though it had a better quality. One probably wonders why healthy food doesn't sell as much as fast food does? That is when convenience comes in the picture again. Not a great amount of people want to pay more and take more time to prepare food when they can pay less and get there food in the matter of minutes at Mcdonalds.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

HW #1

Everyone everywhere needs food to survive no matter if its a full meal or a few grains of rice and bread. People have different views and values about food. In my case food can be one of the best parts of my day. Eating a good meal can change your whole mood. You can go from being upset to being happy or being energetic to being tired. The first thing i think about when i think about food is money. This connects to what my priorities are when it comes to food ; money and the prices. Even though food is a necessity food is a business. Food is not the same price everywhere, doesn’t taste the same everywhere, and is not as healthy everywhere. Eating healthy should be one of the most important things that i should pay attention to when eating but unfortunately it hasn’t been. When i think about food i think of chinese food and Burger King not vegetables and food with low calories.
My ideal Meal contains of Steak, corn, mash potatoes, and string beans. My typical meal is pizza or chinese food. The difference between the two types of meals are that the ideal meal is more healthy then the typical meal. This goes back to what i was talking about with priorities, one of the priorities are the options you have, convenience, and price. I noticed that the more convenient and cheaper things are the less healthy meals. This also proves that money is very significant to anything we do.
Most people enjoy their food with their family but in my case i enjoy my food alone when at home. This is something i will actually like to change. If i do will be able to understand my family more and build better relationships just by conversing with one another.